Kids That Can't Floss: Are Floss Picks the Answer?

Posted on: 30 June 2018

There comes a time when dentists tell children that they should add flossing to their dental hygiene routine. While parents may start to do this for them and with them to start with, once kids hit the age of around 10, they should be able to take over and floss for themselves. This isn't always as easy as you might think, however. Some kids find it hard to use regular floss—they may end up not flossing effectively or may simply just give up trying.
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Autism and Braces: Can Your Child Tolerate Braces?

Posted on: 11 June 2018

If your child has autism, then you face different challenges to other parents during certain childhood milestones. For example, getting any child to agree to wear orthodontic braces and to take care of them can be difficult; this can be a very tricky problem for parents of autistic kids, especially if your child has oral sensitivity issues. How can you decide if your child can tolerate braces? How Does Your Child Manage Oral Hygiene?
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3 Steps to Dental Implant Success

Posted on: 25 April 2018

Dental implants can be an excellent solution for people who have lost teeth due to gum disease, tooth decay, or an injury. While there have been cases of dental implants failing, the majority (around 96 percent) of implants successfully integrate with patients' smiles. If you are determined to become a dental implant success story, the following three tips can help to minimise the risk of your implants failing and needing to be removed.
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What can truly be classified as a dental emergency?

Posted on: 9 April 2018

Dental emergencies are definitely no fun. They are often very painful and can result in extensive damage to the mouth if not handled correctly. While most people know how to deal with many other emergencies such as breathing difficulties, choking or small fires, dental emergencies rarely receive the same level of attention—until they happen. It is important to distinguish what falls under a dental emergency and what doesn't so you can prepare the correct response to the appropriate condition.
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